6 June 2014

Peter Bedford Housing Association (PBHA) has been awarded the Green Mark, in recognition of its commitment to building a cleaner, greener and more sustainable organisation and to reducing its environmental impacts.

Over the past six months, PBHA has raised staff awareness about waste, energy use and climate change, improved its recycling facilities and introduced a Sustainability Policy. Following a final audit last week, PBHA’s three business sites (Stamford Works, Legard Works and Outpost) all achieved Level 1 certification, thanks to the efforts of Quality and Compliance Coordinator Mary Noone and site leads Leanne Penning, Ann Carolan and Lorna Coxall.

Noone praised PBHA colleagues for making changes to their working practices that will benefit not just the environment but also staff, clients and the wider community: ‘Thanks to you, fewer trees are being chopped down, less plastic waste is ending up in landfill or on beaches, and all of us are breathing cleaner air!’

‘We now need to continue with the practices we have put in place to ensure we further reduce our negative impacts on our environment and live up to the high standards we have set in recent months.’

Green Mark is an environmental certification scheme that helps organisations to address their environmental performance. To achieve Level 1, organisations are expected to identify their main environmental impacts and implement Good Practice Actions to manage and prevent them. Organisations must also comply with key legislation, write an environmental policy, and implement a communication and awareness strategy.