Each year we invest money in refurbishment works across our homes.  From April 2023 to March 2024 we have planned the following works:

  • £375,575 replacement fire alarms
  • £99,290 insulation works (dependant on a funding bid)
  • £22,091 replacement kitchens
  • £16,805 replacement bathrooms
  • £46,068 replacement boilers

We have already completed phase 1 of our fire alarm replacements.  This year we will replace all remaining fire alarms, bringing them up to the highest standard.  All fire alarms systems are serviced every 6 months.

We will replace three kitchens and bathrooms this year.  We will resume a larger programme of kitchen replacements in 2024/25.

All new boilers have the maximum rating for energy efficiency, helping reduce gas consumption and the cost of use.

We hope to begin a programme of insulation works across our homes with an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of D or below.  This will make our homes warmer and cheaper to heat.  This is dependant on a funding bid.  If successful, we will begin with our homes at Clissold Road.