Peter Bedford HA always will strive to provide high quality person-centred services. On occasions, we may not get everything right and you may then want to complain.

We will always take complaints seriously, carry out an investigation and provide a written response. We will deal with complaints quickly, fairly and confidentially. We will learn from our mistakes, apologise and seek to minimise such mistakes happening in the future. We will use complaints, comments and suggestions to drive service improvements. If you have a complaint, please send it to our Quality team using the email or make the complaint directly to the relevant manager. You can also make a complaint on the Tenant portal.

We will acknowledge the complaint within 48 hours and, establish the details of the complaint and what remedy you would like within 5 working days. We will investigate and respond to you within 10 working days.

If you remain unhappy with the response and would like to take the complaint to Stage 2 we will respond within 20 working days.

You can contact the Housing Ombudsman at any time for advice or information. More particularly, if the complaint is still not resolved to your satisfaction after Stage 2, you can refer the complaint to the Housing Ombudsman to investigate.

The Housing Ombudsman can be contacted using the following details:



Write to:
Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D

Telephone: 0300 111 3000

To make suggestions or give positive feedback, please also email